An international exhibition of innovation

Between October 3rd and 5th, the National University Library will be the venue for the 11th International ARCA Exhibition, featuring more than two hundred innovations from Croatia as well as abroad.

Between October 3rd and 5th, the National University Library will be the venue for the 11th ARCA International Innovation  Exhibition. The exhibition will feature more than two hundred applicable innovations from Croatia as well as other countries, such as Russia, Poland, Iran, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Macedonia, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The intention of this exhibition is to further strengthen the links between the economy and the academic community, with the goal of developing the culture of innovation in companies, as well as improving the country's economy. Preceding the exhibition, on October 2nd, the 4th "With Innovations Towards Competitiveness" conference will be dedicated to activities which motivate innovation in companies and to intellectual property which exists in the academic community. There will also be a section about developing quality regulations in this field.

Published: 02.10.2013