Available worldwide - Get to know the city with the iZagreb guide

Explore the city with the help of the iZagreb interactive tour guide, which will take you sightseeing in an interesting, entertaining and innovative way. It also offers users the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Croatian capital before their actual visit by taking a virtual stroll through the city from the comfort of their own homes.

You can now explore the city with the help of the iZagreb interactive tour guide, but also take a virtual stroll through the Croatian capital whilst lounging in your easy-chair at home, and familiarize yourself with the city’s landmarks you should definitely visit once you arrive in Zagreb.

The iZagreb interactive tour guide is in Croatian and English languages; it has eight chapters and is available worldwide. The application can be downloaded for iPads via the App Store, or via the Google Play market for Android devices. It can also be accessed online on the Zagreb Tourist Board's web-page.

Apart from finding out an abundance of interesting facts on a virtual history trip, the application will take you for a stroll around the city in an interesting, entertaining and innovative way. It offers information about the culture, art and gastronomy offer, as well as accommodation and the best places for a night out. It also provides all the necessary service information, tips on where to buy souvenirs, and much more. Each chapter of the application features diverse video material, photo galleries, background music and interactive maps… With the help of this application you can take a peek at the city’s landmarks, listen to the sound of the Grič cannon which goes off to mark noon from its location in Lotršćak Tower, or hear the ringing of the cathedral bell. You will also find out how to reach the beautiful Maksimir Park and where to take shelter from the summer heat…

During your stay in Zagreb the iZagreb application will be your tour-guide around the city, featuring daily updated info and current events in town. With the help of this guide you will find every square, street, theatre, museum or church, and have the opportunity to check out every corner of the city. The application offers information about the top-ten visited locations in town with links to their pages. After you have downloaded this application and taken a virtual stroll through the city from the comfort of your home, we are certain you will want to visit and experience Zagreb in the real world.

Published: 04.08.2015