Changing of the Guard - Guard of Honour of the Cravat Regiment


In the 17th century, during the Thirty Years’ War, the Croatian Light Cavalry, renowned for its exceptional heroism, joined the ranks of the French Army. The military skill and original appearance of the Croatian soldiers was affirmed in 1664 with the founding of the Croatian regiment the Royal Cravates within the French Army. You can see for yourself what the Changing of the Guards of the courageous Croatian soldiers looks like during a two-hour ceremony which begins with an attractive “Preparation of the Guard and Arms Inspection”. The entire unit takes part in the ceremony, following which the guards are stationed at their posts, all attractive tourist locations, from St Mark’s Square, via Ban Jelačić Square to the statue of Our Lady at Kaptol. March through Zagreb accompanied by the armourer, trumpeter, drummer, standard-bearer and commander, and get to know Zagreb’s famous sights in a completely new way. The Changing of the Guards starts at 11:40 am and ends at 02:20 pm every Saturday and Sunday, as well as on national holidays and special occasions.

Please note: the Changing of the Guard will not take place in case of bad weather.

The programme will be comprised of 16 guards composing of 12 infantrymen and 4 cavalrymen, every Saturday and Sunday, as well as on national holidays and special occasions.

Formation of infantry rank
11:40 – 11:45
Formation and departure of infantry rank from the Regiment’s Headquarters (Dolac 2) along Tkalčićeva Street, the lining up and dismissal of the rank and their departure to Kamenita vrata (Stone Gate)

ROUTE – Tkalčićeva Street – Krvavi most – Radićeva Street – Kamenita vrata

11:45 – 11:50
Arrival at Kamenita vrata – halt and wait for the arrival of the Regimental Commander

11:50 – 11:55
Prayer at the shrine of the Mother of God of Kamenita vrata, departure from the shrine and the merging of the infantry and cavalry ranks

11:45 – 11:50
Parade of the cavalry rank from the Dubravkin put, along the route: Dubravkin put – Ilirski Square – Demeterova street – St Mark’s Square -  Kamenita street  – the intersection at Kamenita and Opatička Street

11:50 – 11:55
Departure of the Regiment’s Commander and handing over of the command to infantry rank, prayer at the shrine of the Mother of God of Kamenita vrata, departure of the rank from the shrine and merging of the infantry and cavalry ranks

11:55 – 12:00
Arrival of the ranks at Trg Svetog Marka (St Mark’s Square), formation of the ranks into one column, salute to the audience and dismissal of the ranks for the beginning of the weapon inspection ceremony

12:00 – 12:10
Weapon inspection ceremony and posting of the guards at the side entrance into St Mark’s Church

12:10 – 12:15
Departure of the ranks to Kamenita vrata, passing through and stop at the eastern side of the Kamenita vrata

12:15 – 12:25
March of the ranks along Radićeva Street to Trg bana Jelačića (Ban Jelačić Square)

12:25 – 12:30
Posting of two guards at the statue of Ban Jelačić

12:30 – 12:35
March of the ranks along Bakačeva Street to the plateau in front of the Cathedral at Kaptol

12:35 – 12:40
Posting of a pair of guards at the statue of Our Lady at Kaptol


12:40 – 13:00
March of the infantry ranks along the route: Kaptol – Dolac – Opatovina – the park at the top of the stube Biskupa Duha (Bishop Duh Steps) – Mlinske stube – Radićeva Street – eastern entrance to Kamenita vrata

12:40 –13:00
Parade of the cavalry rank along the route: Kaptol – Nova Ves – Mala ulica - Tkalčićeva – Krvavi most – Radićeva Street – eastern entrance to Kamenita vrata


13:00 -13:05
Passing of the ranks through Kamenita vrata and departure along Kamenita Street to Trg sv. Marka

13:05 – 13:10
Formation and ceremonial handing over of the guard and return of the guards to the ranks

13:10 – 13:15
Departure of the ranks along Kamenita Street to the eastern entrance to Kamenita vrata

13:15 – 13:25
March of the ranks: Radićeva Street – Krvavi most – Tkalčićeva Street to stube Biskupa Duha


13:25 – 13:35
Departure of the infantry rank along the route: stube Biskupa Duha – Opatovina – Dolac – Kaptol − plateau in front of the Cathedral

13:25 – 13:35
Departure of the cavalry rank along the route: Tkalčićeva Street – Tome Mikloušića Street – Kaptol – plateau in front of the Cathedral


13:35 – 13:40
Ceremonial handing over of the guards and their return to the ranks

13:40 – 13:45
March of the entire rank along Bakačeva Street to Trg bana J. Jelačića

13:45 – 13:50
Ceremonial handing over of the guards and return to the ranks at the statue of Ban Jelačić

13:50 – 13:55
March of the ranks from the statue of Ban Jelačić to Tkalčićeva Street at the foot of St Mary’s Church

13:55 – 14:00
Formation of the ranks and salute to the flag with the shout ‘for the honourable cross and golden freedom’ and ‘salute’


Infantry rank departing to the headquarters at Dolac 2

14:00 – 14:20
Cavalry rank departing along the route: Tkalčićeva Street – Krvavi most – Radićeva Street – Ilirski Squere – Dubravkin put Street

Published: 01.03.2013