Could the festive season be any more beautiful?

Although romantic at all times of the year, during the Advent period Zagreb practically outdoes itself and guarantees a holiday atmosphere and entertainment for all generations with different tastes in music as well as other celebratory affinities.

Advent in Zagreb consists of an array of events that attract an increasing number of foreign as well as Croatian guests to the Croatian capital in December. Each year, the number of events increases, so visitors of all generations, music tastes and gastronomic affinities will find food, drinks and entertainment galore in the city streets, squares and parks.

The main events, beginning in late November and ending with the New Year’s celebrations, will take place on the main square of Ban Josip Jelačić, as well as the nearby romantic Zrinjevac Park. Between December 1st and 23rd, the main city square will feature concerts of various types of music, while the nearby Flower Square will be the venue for classical and jazz music performances between December 6th and 28th. The beautiful Zrinjevac Park will attract visitors from late November until the first day of January. Romantic in its own right, it will be even more so thanks to the dance rhythms of waltzes, evergreens, classics, etc. Get ready to dance! Visitors will have plenty of opportunities to find those perfect holiday decorations and gifts, while the gastronomic offer will feature traditional Croatian dishes including štrukli and pasta with stewed cabbage among others, as well as a diverse offer of wine, spirits, hot-chocolate…

The holiday time-machine on Tomićeva Street, which connects the longest street in Zagreb with the funicular – the fastest link with the Upper Town, will transport visitors back to the 1930s, considered by many the best decade of the 20th century The host will be Mr. Fulir – a genuine citizen of Zagreb who will share his knowledge of good manners and period customs with his guests. Between December 15th and 24th, the nearby Square of the Victims of Fascism, whose landmark is the beautiful Meštrović Pavilion, built in 1938 by architect Ivan Meštrović, which is now the Home of Croatian Artists, will feature the Fair of Unconventional Artefacts, titled Artomat, where visitors will be able to buy objects of art and also learn how to make their own.

Many other city streets and squares will feature differently themed holiday programmes, all with the same intention: to offer excellent entertainment, great shopping opportunities and perfect refreshments to be enjoyed in pleasant company.

Of course, this is nowhere near the conclusive list of everything that is in store for this year’s Advent in Zagreb, as many more new events are in the pipeline. All news and other relevant information can be found online at in Croatian, English, German, Italian and Spanish languages.

It must also be mentioned that the holiday atmosphere will be enhanced by special sightseeing tours of the city, which will take visitors to all the interesting locations where they will hear stories and learn of the customs directly or indirectly tied to this most beautiful time of the year.

Published: 01.11.2013