Dining at Promotional Prices

You would be well advised to make a timely dinner reservation during this year’s Restaurant Week, which will take place between 24th February and 4th March, as all of the participating restaurants will offer specially designed menus at discount prices.

A number of restaurants will again participate in the first of this year’s two Restaurant Weeks from 24th February until 4th March. The second edition is expected to take place again in late September. During this promotional gastronomic event, three-course meals consisting of a starter, a main dish and a dessert will be offered at discount prices. The underlying idea is to bring the dining-out culture closer to as many citizens as possible. The first Restaurant Week that was modelled after similar events in other global metropolises and launched in 2010 caused quite a stir among Zagreb’s citizens. Last year, top-class hotels joined in and offered their guests cocktails priced at 20 to 25 kuna.

Owing to the great interest of consumers, another accompanying event was organized at Zagreb’s Ban Josip Jelačić Square under the name of “Mobile Soups”. A van parked at the square daily and served the soups prepared by the restaurants participating in the Restaurant Week event. Of course, you are right in guessing that they also sold at a very attractive price of 10 kuna a serving. Therefore, you would be well advised to make a timely dinner reservation in one of the restaurants participating in this year’s first Restaurant Week. A list of all of their names, addresses and everything else you need to know about this event can be found by visiting www.tjedanrestorana.com.

Published: 01.02.2012