Experience Romance!

The first edition of the programme which has been prepared by the Zagreb Tourist Board to celebrate Valentine's Day will certainly attract droves of visitors to Zrinjevac. Even those who are no longer head over heels will certainly feel like falling in love all over again as so much romance has never been seen in one place in Zagreb!

If you have ever wished to spend Valentine's Day in the romantic atmosphere of a park in Zagreb where you will savour the harmony of sounds, love potions and sweet surprises together with other like-minded people, and then set out on a romantic ride in a horse driven carriage in the embrace of your loved one, Zagreb is your “promised” destination.

Instead of going to see a movie, a theatre play or dancing the night away, head for one of the most romantic of all of Zagreb's parks – Zrinjevac. For the first time ever, it will be the venue of a romantic programme for all those in love. This is yet another event staged by the Zagreb Tourist Board, one which will certainly delight many couples because it will be indeed romantic, unusual and entertaining. Visitors can look forward to a host of surprises, starting from the early morning hours when couples will have an opportunity to partake in art workshops organized by the Croatian Artists' Association.

The overall atmosphere will be enhanced with romantic décor, sweet delights galore, tasty delicacies and love cocktails. There will be a souvenir for every visitor to take away: a licitar heart, the most beautiful token of love and a symbol of Zagreb. Salsa rhythms will rev up the atmosphere even more, and a romantic musical background will be provided in the afternoon hours by three violin players. In the evening, couples will be able to enjoy the rhythms of jazz and dance. We believe that the heady atmosphere in this romantic ambience will inspire many to fall in love all over again, or to renew their wedding wows with the king of rock'n'roll, Elvis. Afterwards, they can go on to spend their mini honeymoon sightseeing Zagreb on a romantic horse-driven carriage or rickshaw ride.

Another attractive programme will be organized for the occasion – a sightseeing city tour entitled “Zagreb in Love”, during which couples will also hear of some of the most romantic stories that have happened in Zagreb. The programme will certainly inspire many to fall in love with the city itself.

When designing the Valentine’s Day in Zrinjevac programme, we also thought of those whose loved ones are far away or who are still waiting for the right one. “The Tree of Love” is where they will be able to deposit their love messages and wishes. If you still do not know what to do and where to go on Valentine’s Day, come to Zagreb. You will certainly not need rose-tinted glasses here – love will absolutely mesmerize you here.

Published: 01.02.2012