Experience the city with your host

With the help of the new service Zagreb With Me, you can now take a tour of the city in the company of a host who will show you the city as it really is. This is your opportunity to do things like a local and truly experience the spirit of the city.

You no longer need a tourist guide to take you around Zagreb; you can do it with a host. As part of the new service Zagreb With Me, your host will help you get to know and experience the spirit of the city. He or she will show you the city as it really is, teach you how to do things the way the locals do and make your stay in Zagreb more pleasant and relaxed. On a host-accompanied city tour, your hosts will always point out interesting bits and pieces about the cultural monuments on your way, but they will not bore you with historical facts. Instead, they will just show you how to get to know Zagreb better. Your host will be one of the special young people who are involved in Zagreb's cultural and social life and really know the city. They will give you tips on what to see, where to eat, what concerts to attend and where to buy souvenirs. They will take you to one of their favourite hang-outs, either a bar or terrace which is popular with the citizens of Zagreb, where they sip their coffee and hang out with their friends. They will help you buy an authentic Croatian-made product or choose something else in one of the specialised stores. Your host will tell you all you need to know; they will give you insider tips on anything interesting going on and advise you on what locations to visit to truly experience the spirit of the city.

The sightseeing tour entitled “By the clock” always starts at the same place – by the clock located in Ban Josip Jelačić Square, the favourite rendezvous place for Zagrebers. You will always see many couples in love hanging around the starting point of your host-accompanied tour. Each of the tours lasts 2.5 hours and can accommodate up to 4 guests; or individual tours can also be organized.

To learn more about this new service and reserve a spot on one of the tours go to www.zagrebwithme.com.

Published: 09.02.2015