Experience the holiday magic

Zagreb, a city whose romantic allure delights visitors at all times of the year, becomes even more attractive in December. With its Advent events and the wonderful atmosphere in the squares and parks around town, it offers a truly unique and memorable holiday experience!

The traditional Advent in Zagreb has gained numerous fans over the years, and therefore an increasing numbers of visitors choose the Croatian capital as the destination where they want to spend what many consider to be the most wonderful time of the year. All current as well as future fans of the Advent atmosphere in Zagreb can also look forward to some new features considering this is the first Advent since Croatia has become a member of the European Union.

All the main events, commencing at the end of November and ending with the New Year, will take place at the main city square of Ban Josip Jelačić, as well as the nearby, romantic Zrinjevac Park. Between  December 1st and 23rd, the central square will feature diverse musical performances, while nearby Cvjetni Trg (Flower Square) will mostly attract classical and jazz music aficionados between December 6th and 28th. As of late November until the first day of January, the beautiful and romantic Zrinjevac Park will tempt visitors with the dance rhythms of waltzes, evergreens, classics etc. Get ready to dance! There will also be opportunities galore to buy Christmas decorations and gifts, as well as enjoy the gastronomic offer, including “štrukli”, “krpice sa zeljem” (pasta with sautéed cabbage), and other traditional dishes from the Zagreb region or to indulge in a diverse offer of drinks, such as wine, spirits, hot chocolate...

The nearby Trg Žrtava Fašizma Square, with its trademark Meštrović Pavilion, designed by Ivan Meštrović and built in 1938, which is now the Home of Croatian Artists, will feature the Artomat Fair of Unconventional Art between December 15th and 24th. Visitors will be able to buy items at the fair, and also learn how to make their own works of art.

Many other squares and streets all over the city will contribute to the merriment with Christmas programmes offering great fun and shopping opportunities, as well as perfect refreshments in pleasant company.

Of course, this is nowhere near the final list of events scheduled for the Advent period in Zagreb, as there will be many more traditional as well as new happenings going on. More news and detailed information can be found online, in Croatian, English, German, Italian and Spanish, at www.adventzagreb.com

The holiday atmosphere will be enhanced by specially designed sightseeing tours of the city which will provide visitors with the opportunity to discover interesting locations, hear tales and learn of the customs directly or indirectly tied to the most wonderful time of the year – Advent.

Published: 02.10.2013