Fooling Around by the Funicular, Snowball Fights and Skiing at Stross

Amidst everything that the city has to offer during the event-packed project Advent in Zagreb, we would like to mention two very interesting programmes: Fooling Around by the Funicular and Skiing at Stross, which will end on the 10th and the 7th of January, respectively. Before they come to an end, they will offer entertainment one should not miss on their winter visit to Zagreb.

If you are looking for something interesting and original to entertain you during these idyllic winter days in Zagreb, make sure not to miss the diverse programmes of Advent in Zagreb, including two events that are, unfortunately, soon coming to an end. These events are Fooling Around by the Funicular, which will last until January 10th, and Skiing and Snowball Fights at Stross, until January 7th.

The programme of Fooling Around by the Funicular (the word Fuliranje in the Croatian original is derived from the name of Mr. Fulir – one of the best known characters of Croatian cinema, the protagonist of the film Tko pjeva zlo ne misli or One Song a Day Takes Mischief Away) is a journey of sorts to the city’s past, more precisely to Zagreb in the 1930s. The programme takes place on tiny Tomićeva Street which leads up to the funicular and which was purposefully converted into a small, interactive museum. Mr. Fulir himself and his entourage are also important aspects of the entire set.

The funicular has already made the aforementioned street one of the most photographed trademarks of Zagreb, and now it is also the venue of an interesting and authentic event. The scenography is a nostalgic homage to the atmosphere of Zagreb as it once was, with an unavoidable contemporary promotional twist. Everything that is on offer – fine food, warm drinks and a diverse selection of potential Christmas gifts, are typical, traditional Croatian products.

A short funicular ride connects this stroll down nostalgic memory lane with the venue of the other aforementioned programme – everyday winter fun on the Strossmayer promenade underneath Lotršćak Tower which includes frolicking in the snow, snowball fights, sledding or skiing and many other forms of entertainment for all generations. Evening programmes, which include various concerts and DJs inside a heated tent with a diverse catering offer, last from 8 p.m. until 11 p.m., while the afternoon hours are reserved for children who can enjoy theatre and puppetry shows.

Throughout the duration of the programme, until January 7th, the funicular runs until midnight. Owing to the picturesque vistas of the promenade, especially during these snowy days, photographs from Stross will surely remain pleasant lifetime memories for numerous visitors.

Published: 02.01.2013