Go witch-hunting and discover the secrets of famous writers

The fact that the mysterious history of Zagreb is increasingly intertwined with the city's cultural present is proven by two newly-conceived themed sightseeing programs. These tours will take participants on an interactive witch-hunt and introduce them to numerous details concerning the best-known writers from Zagreb.

Did you know that Zagreb was the place where the last witch was burned at the stake during the Dark Ages? Why were they burned, were they tried beforehand, and what customs were related to that dark act? All of these details from Zagreb's past can now be experienced by the city's visitors, as interactive participants. The newest sightseeing tours, named the "Witches' Circle" and "With a Book Around Zagreb", were developed by the Zdenac života (Wishing Well of Life) tourist agency. These tours provide Zagreb with an additional two, on top of the already-existing fifty or so themed sightseeing tours, which have the goal of introducing tourists to Zagreb's specific and hidden secrets.

Participants of the Witches' Circle tour will be literally drawn into a mysterious witch-hunt, reminiscent to those from the period between the 14th and 18th centuries, when over 250 accused witches were burned at the stake in Zagreb. The tour begins with a typical narrative, but the sudden appearance of mysterious characters causes the participants to become active hunters of the real Zagreb witch. The story develops and the hunt continues, while an array of revelations about real events of the time, and the way Zagreb looked back then, come to light. You will have to find out for yourself how the hunt ends, however.

If you are, on the other hand, more inclined towards discovering the more recent past, especially with relation to literature, a special sightseeing tour is on offer called With a Book Around Zagreb. This interactive program enables visitors to get to know the rich literary heritage of Zagreb, as well as an array of less-known details from the private lives of selected writers. The tour is based on visiting seven of the most representative "literary" monuments in Zagreb; however, the "story" omits many of the known details and instead focuses on the lesser-known details from their personal lives. These details were, to a large extent, a reflection of the literary situation and political life in the country at that time. Such an approach enables tourists to get to know Zagreb from an attractive and little-known perspective.

Published: 01.02.2011