Knowledge is the height of fashion this year

To learn more about crystals, atoms, bacteria, nanoparticles and all things scientific and technical, apply for an organized tour of the Ruđer Bošković Institute during the Institute’s open days between April 18th and April 20th.

Experience the fun side of science and partake in science experiments between April18th and April 20th during the open days at the Ruđer Bošković Institute. This year, there will be 17 different scientific experiment demonstrations and 30 lectures, so make sure to attend as knowledge is the height of fashion this year. Embark on an imaginative and creative scientific adventure and find out everything you have ever wanted to know about crystals, atoms, bacteria and nanoparticles, or travel some 50 thousand years into the past. Also, discover why chemistry is sweet…

Open Days at the Ruđer Bošković Institute have been taking place every two years since 2004. The event was initiated by Greta Pifak – Mrzljak, D.Sc., primarily for school students who needed help with the choice of their future careers. The idea for organizing such an event stemmed from the desire to popularize knowledge and science among the youth, to demonstrate the value of investing into knowledge, to show that it is useful, creative and that only knowledge is the path to a general and personal success. Such gatherings provide young people with an insight into how to become scientists while helping them to discover what motivates them in the search for knowledge and discovery, especially in the fields of natural and technical sciences. The novelty for this year’s open days at the Ruđer Bošković Institute is the possibility for schools and organized groups to apply for their visits online. Every group will participate in a 90-minute programme any time between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M., while scientific research presentations will take place every thirty minutes and continue with organized laboratory tours. It is also possible to reserve a place on one of the four routes on offer, each including four laboratories. Reservations are valid for schools only, while the general population is free to visit at any time on Saturday, April 20th.

More information about the Open Days at the Ruđer Bošković Institute can be found online at

Published: 02.04.2013