Mali Medo - The first beer souvenir shop

Visit the Mali Medo brewery on Tkalčićeva Street featuring the first beer souvenir shop in Zagreb. Visitors of the brewery, which is part of the Medvedgrad chain, will have the opportunity to taste a new seasonal beer - “Summer in Zagreb”, its first ever witbier on offer.

If you are a fan of beer, make sure to visit the Mali Medo brewery located on Tkalčićeva Street which features a newly opened beer souvenir shop decorated by the young designer Ana Tevšić.

The souvenir shop was conceived as a space where visitors are able to buy beer paraphernalia to take home with them, as well as taste the beers and have a quick bite, because the souvenir shop offer will also include small beer snacks. During the opening of the souvenir shop, the brewery also introduced its new seasonal beer – “Summer in Zagreb”, and its head chef, Ivica Štruml, prepared snacks to go with it. This is the first locally brewed witbier, or Belgian wheat beer, which beer lovers can now taste in all breweries of the Medvedgrad chain. The beer is made from barley and wheat malt and has traces of bitter orange peel and coriander, which makes it mildly bitter and gives it a 5.2% alcohol content.

Published: 04.08.2015