More than a hundred films from all over the world

This year’s edition of the Zagreb Film Festival will take place between October 19th and 26th, and filmgoers can look forward to a diverse programme featuring more than a hundred debut feature length films and documentaries from all over the world.

This year’s 12th edition of the Zagreb Film Festival will offer audiences a very diverse program with more than a hundred debut feature length films and documentaries from all over the world. The festival will take place between October 19th and 26th in cinemas Europa and Tuškanac, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Zagreb Dance Centre, and the Zagreb Puppet Theatre.

Films will be screened in the main competitive programme, eight concurrent programmes, and several other, special programmes, featuring recent global hits as well as timeless classics. For the third time the festival will feature an educational and networking platform for professionals called “Industry”.

This year’s main competitive programme will feature a debut film by Serbian director Vuk Ršumović, “Nobody’s Child”, a triple winner at the Venice International Film Critics’ Week. The film remarkably questions the relationship between civilization and savagery, and it is based on a true story about a savage boy from Travnik who was found in 1988 in the mountains of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This programme will also feature an Ethiopian drama, “Brave Girl” (Difret), directed by Zeresenay Mehari. That film is also based on a true story about the trial of a 14 year old girl who accidentally shot the man who stalked and raped her, which is why she faces the death penalty.

The competitive documentary programme will feature a tragicomic German-Swiss autobiographic documentary, “Cesar’s Grill”, directed by Dario Aguirre, who lived and worked in Germany for many years but returned to Ecuador in order to help his father run his old grill-house which faces bankruptcy. However, they only prepare meat specialties and Dario is a vegetarian.

Published: 02.10.2014