Startup Live Zagreb

The biggest startup event in Croatia - Startup Live Zagreb, which will take place between the 15th and 17th of March, is part of a large startup series which encompasses Vienna, Berlin and Hamburg. The events will bring together numerous design, tech and other teams with the goal of creating new profitable projects while following the principles of this global business phenomenon.

Following the principles of the global business phenomenon known as “startup”, the biggest such event in Croatia – Startup Live Zagreb, will take place between the 15th and 17th of March. Similar gatherings have already been organized in Croatia, but this one will be the largest, and it will follow a series of Austrian conferences, the Pioneers Festival, which will have included Vienna, Berlin and Hamburg.

The gathering will bring together numerous design, software and programming teams with the goals of ‘clinching’ profitable business project deals during a startup event.

The term ‘startups’ applies to companies and teams that search for best business models which may help them turn handsome profits from their ideas and products. So far, it has been closely associated with the US market where it was coined to denote high-tech projects, but in Croatia startup companies may also be involved with web and mobile applications, software programmes, hardware design… What matters for any startup is to figure out how to turn new merchandise into commercial products that can be easily and cheaply mass produced and reproduced, and to make the necessary business arrangements that will make that happen.

As for the Zagreb Startup, organizers will attempt to connect teams that work on technological projects with experienced mentors, development experts, investors and potential partners.

The gathering will take place at the Old City Hall, the oldest hall in Zagreb. According to organizers, both the venue and the Upper Town where it is located will provide a fine backdrop for the excellent story that will unfold in Zagreb.

Published: 01.02.2013