The 14th Human Rights Film Festival - Films from recent global production

Once again, this year’s edition of the Human Rights Film Festival deals with socially engaging topics and screens works from recent global production. The audiences will have the opportunity to see them between December 5th and 11th at the Europa Cinema and the Multimedia Centre of the Student Centre.

Between December 5th and 11th, the Europa Cinema  and the Multimedia Centre of the Student Centre will be the venues for the 14th Human Rights Film Festival. The same programme will be shown in Rijeka between  December  8th and 12th. It is a festival of films that deal with current social topics, such as refugees and the refugee crisis, coping with the past and women’s rights. Their socially engaged authors come from all over the world. The regular programme consists of 30 feature length and documentary films from global production, including premiere screenings of the latest films by the world’s leading authors, including Lav Diaz, Wang Bing and Pablo Larrain.

The renowned Chilean director, Pablo Larrain, whose films were already screened during previous editions of the Human Rights Film Festival, will present his film, “Neruda”, which follows the political path of the famous writer. Apart from this film, audiences will also have the opportunity to see two of the latest works by the most significant Chinese documentarist of the last decade, Wang Bing – “Ta᾽ang” and “Bitter Money”, which deal with the topic of immigration, while the Philippine director Lav Diaz will present his documentary “Storm Children, Book One”. In this film, the author focuses on the devastating consequences of the  typhoon which hit the Philippine island of Tacloban killing seven thousand people.  Several months after the disaster, Lav Diaz visited the location and made a film about the local children. Apart from works by the aforementioned authors, audiences will have the  opportunity to see some of the films by regular guests of the festival, such as Sergej Loznica, Joachim Lafosse, Ira Sachs, Albert Serra, etc.

The Human Rights Film Festival is organised by the Multimedia Institute and the Association for Development of Culture “URK”, while admission to all screenings and concurrent events is free.

Published: 02.12.2016