The World Tourism Day Marked in Zagreb

On Saturday, 29 September, the World Tourism Day was marked by a celebration organized in Zagreb's Zrinjevac Park. Zagreb's citizens and their guests enjoyed the performances of numerous folklore groups and ensembles, rides in old horse-drawn carriages and the tastes of typical Zagreb delicacies.

The Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb organized the celebration of World Tourism Day on 29 September, albeit two days after the official World Tourism Day that is celebrated on 27 September. In Zagreb, "the celebration of tourism" was integrated into the closing day of this year's traditional weekend program "Saturdays in Zagreb". This was a good opportunity to bring to Zrinjevac Park, in the very heart of the city, all the folklore groups which had taken part in the "Saturday Folklore Scene", as well as all the ensembles which had regularly appeared at the Old Town Weekend Scene. These were ensembles from Markuševac, Remete, Vrapče, Turopolje, Podgorac and Sesvetski Kraljevac. During the summer, they had all entertained the citizens, bringing them the authentic customs, folk costumes and music of their native regions. 

The celebration of the World Tourism Day also saw the performances of the Croatian Military Orchestra and of the Vocal Group of the Croatian Navy, the very popular street entertainers of Zagreb, "Kings of the Street" and many others. The rich and varied program provided citizens with a lot of good fun. In addition to the musical gifts, the staff of the Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb was also handing out licitar hearts, posters and CDs of Zagreb and hats. Horse-drawn carriage drivers were hired to drive citizens around town to complete their romantic picture of Zagreb. With champagne and sweet delicacies made in Zagreb's pastry shops, Zagreb's citizens and their guests had fun and celebrated the World Tourism Day.
Published: 01.10.2007