Theatre Exit's Summer Nights

Theatre lovers will once again have the opportunity to enjoy plays under the stars because Theater Exit's Summer Nights are starting on July 2nd at the Museum of Arts and Crafts.

The Theatre Exit will once again move to the open-air stage at the atrium of the Museum of Arts and Crafts. Apart from the Histrion Theatre troupe, which has been performing to a packed house at Opatovina in the Upper Town since 1986, numerous fans of theatre will have the opportunity to enjoy plays under the stars in this downtown location.

Like in previous years, this year’s fourth edition of the Theater Exit's Summer Nights will take place in two parts. The first will take place between July 2nd and 28th, while plays from the second part of the programme will be taking place between August 29th and September 8th. Apart from veteran actors in the theatre’s long standing plays, such as Amar Bukvić and Rakan Rushaidat, several actors will make their debut performances during the Summer Nights. These actors include Damir Poljičak, in a premiere of the play “Exhibit no. 49”, and Janko Rakoš, Enes Vejzović and Filim Križan, who will perform in a premiere of the play “Njuške” (Snouts).

The audience will have the opportunity to see a total of fifteen plays and a total of more than 30 performances, three of which will be guest plays. The legendary actors Lela Margetić and Pero Kvrgić will perform “Stilske Vježbe” (Exercises in Style), which they have been performing in together for more than 40 years. The actors of the Proces Teatar of Novi Sad will perform the play “Our Days”, and thanks to cooperation with the Academy of Dramatic Arts, audiences will have the opportunity to see students perform for their final exams in “Much Ado About Nothing” and “The Taming of the Shrew”.

A special service is offered to parents with children over the age of five whom they bring to the performances: the Exit Theatre will entertain the children free of charge at creative workshops while their parents enjoy the play of their choice.

Published: 03.07.2013