Theatre Exit's Summer Nights

Until August 2nd, numerous interesting plays from the repertoire of this year’s fifth edition of Theatre Exit's Summer Nights will entertain audiences in the atrium of the Museum of Arts and Crafts.

If you are a fan of theatre under the stars, you will not want to miss a play or two at the Museum of Arts and Crafts, which will be the venue for Theatre Exit's Summer Nights until August 2nd. Numerous interesting plays are on the repertoire of this year’s fifth edition of Summer Nights, and they come either from Theatre Exit’s own production or the production of the festival's guests. Apart from the already known plays from the theatre’s repertoire, including “SHAKEspeare na EXit”, “Münchhausen”, “Kako misliš mene nema!?” (What do you mean, I’m not here!?), “Ja, Tata!” (I, Dad!), and “CABAres CABArei”, the audiences at this year’s edition of Summer Nights will also have the opportunity to see the play “Njuške” (Snouts), directed by Matko Raguž, while the play “Izložak br. 49” (Exhibit no. 49) will be performed by Damir Poljičak inside the Museum of Arts and Crafts. This year, Theatre Exit will also be host to guests from theatres of several neighbouring countries.

All plays begin at 9 p.m. and everyone with a ticket for any of the Summer Nights plays will benefit from a 10 kuna ticket price reduction, from 30 to 20 kuna, for the exhibition “A Century of the Wristwatch”, opened at the Museum of Arts and Crafts until August 17th.

All information about this year’s Theatre Exit's Summer Nights can be found online at or via Facebook and Twitter.

Published: 01.07.2014