Three-days of awareness in the city centre

Zagreb is among the few cities in this part of Europe with the tradition of organizing the three-day long Festival of Equal Opportunities (22nd to 24th May). This is an urban culture event in which the programmes are performed by persons with disabilities. Together with other musicians, actors and artists, they spread the message of equal rights and opportunities for all in an entertaining and educational way.

Zagreb is among the few cities in this part of Europe with the tradition of organizing the three-day long Festival of Equal Opportunities (22nd to 24th May). This is an urban culture event in which the programmes are performed by persons with disabilities. Together with other musicians, actors and artists, they spread the message of equal rights and opportunities for all in an entertaining and educational way.

Once again this spring, between the 22nd and 24th of May, Zagreb's main square will become a place of equal opportunities for all – children, young people, people not so young, women, men, athletes, artists and disabled persons. This is the main objective of this traditional international event – Festival of Equal Opportunities (F=M), which will be taking place in Zagreb for the 11th consecutive time.

In terms of its concept and programme, F=M does not differ much from other similar festival events. Although a large number of its participants are people with disabilities, the performers are actually artists and entertainers of all kinds. Every one of them showcases their passion to the best of their abilities, and equality among people is the main idea of the entertainment and awareness that accompanies this festival. It is therefore not even necessary to point out that the festival’s events, which will involve over a thousand local and international participants this year, will certainly have a positive impact on raising awareness about disability that many, quite unjustly, perceive as inaptitude.

The festival consists of various parts involving music, theatre performances, fine arts, film, and educational, recreational and sporting events. During the three festival days, from morning until late afternoon, events will be taking place in the main city square.

Irrespective of the part of the programme, the participants will be grouped around different, yet very similar themes. For example, documentaries depicting the life and work of disabled people will be shown during the film programme. As part of the educational and recreational programme, many games dealing with mobility will be staged and involve the participation of willing passersby. An improvised training ground will be set up so that participants from the audience can experience the feeling of having to get around in a wheelchair or try to get their bearings with the help of a white cane.

The festival is attended by over 15,000 citizens every year – music and theatre lovers, art and film aficionados, but also those who wish to learn more about how it feels to be a disabled person; they will hear about their abilities and the obstacles they face in their everyday life.

The fact that the Festival of Equal Opportunities is an international event confirms the standing of Croatia as a country of social justice and promotes the reputation of Zagreb as part of the great European family of healthy cities.

Published: 02.05.2012