Unknown works by Italian masters

Until May 10th, at the Cabinet of Graphics of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, you can view drawings by still unknown Italian authors from the periods of the renaissance, mannerism, baroque and rococo. Also on display are the famous drawing “Judita and Holoferno” by the miniaturist master of Croatian origin, Juraj Julije Klović

At the Cabinet of Graphics of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts an exhibition of drawings by ancient Italian masters that is being held until May 10th. The exhibition presents drawings by Italian masters from the periods of the renaissance, mannerism, baroque and rococo so far unknown and undocumented in the literature.

One of the highlights of the show is the famous drawing by the miniaturist master of Croatian origin, Juraj Julije Klović, “Judita and Holoferno”. The drawing was bought at an auction in London in 1937, and following the decision by Ban Ružić, it was donated to the Strossmayer Gallery. It has been the property of the Cabinet of Graphics of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts since 1951, from where it will be sent for restoration after the closing of the exhibition.  In addition to Klović's famous drawing, for the first time the public will see unknown works by Italian masters, who present a very valuable collection of  drawings from the Verona artistic circle, starting from the mannerism period to the baroque.  That group includes highlights by masters such as Bernardino India, Giovanni Batistta del Moro, Antonio Balestra, Odoardo Perini and Gianbetino Cignaroli. In addition to these works, you will also find drawings by Giorgio Vasari, Giulio Romano, Francesco Primaticcio, Paolo Veronese, as well as autographs by Sebastian Riccio and by baroque masters from Venice and Veneto.

Published: 03.04.2009