Visit the oldest international street festival in Croatia

As part of the 17th International Street Festival, Cest is d’Best, which will take place between June 5th and June 12th, Zagreb’s citizens and numerous tourists will once again be entertained on the city streets by hundreds of performers from all over the world.

Squares, streets and parks in the centre of Zagreb, as well as the area around Arena Centre, will once again come to life, as June is booked for the International Street Festival Cest is d’Best.

The festival was started 17 years ago by street musicians Zlatko Petrović – Pajo and Miran Veljković – Hadži, known as the Street Kings. The idea behind their project was to liven up the atmosphere on the city streets and put smiles back on people’s faces. Hundreds of performers from all over the world will participate in the festival programme which is geared for all generations; they will entertain the citizens of Zagreb and its numerous guests with their concerts, plays, exhibitions and various other events. To mention but a few, there will be a race of waiters, a baby race – always exciting for the parents, a school of sign-language, a slowest bicycle ride contest, and various quirky and thought provoking art installations conceived by Zagreb’s young artists. Visit the oldest international street festival in Croatia, between June 5th and June 12th, and be prepared to be entertained at concerts and performances by artists from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Anyone, regardless of age, can take part in this festival, have fun and spend some quality free time hanging out with people of various generations.

Published: 03.06.2013