Zagreb for You

Find your free copy of the tourist newsletter Zagreb for You at one of the tourist info centres in the city. It features an abundance of interesting information about Zagreb, as well as useful tips and recommendations. The next issue is scheduled for release in early May.

At the beginning of each month, all tourist info centres and the most frequently visited tourist points in the city will offer the latest issues of the tourist newsletter Zagreb for You. The newsletter is being published by the Zagreb Tourist Board in Croatian as well as in English, and the first issue was published in April. Apart from the printed edition, there is also an online edition at

The tourist newsletter Zagreb for You features reader-friendly texts offering an abundance of interesting information about the city, useful tips and recommendations about what to see, where to have fun or eat a good meal… The newsletter will also feature interesting facts about the history of Zagreb’s landmarks, an occasional urban legend, as well as an array of other fascinating details about the city’s main sights. There are always good reasons to visit Zagreb, but the greatest asset the city has are its people, whose customs and lifestyles are the main generator of the liveliness on the city streets and squares. Discover why Zagreb’s citizens love Saturday mornings when they get together with friends over a cup of coffee at one of the numerous terraces in the city centre. The ritual of coffee drinking on the streets and squares, which makes the city especially charming and welcoming, reflects the local lifestyle in which there is always time for a friend. Become a part of that story and find out where the best coffee in town is served, where to enjoy cheap local beer, or how long it takes to hike up to the mountain peak Sljeme. Discover everything you find interesting in order to get to know Zagreb in depth, and experience the atmosphere which will surely make you want to return.

The Zagreb for You tourist newsletter is free, and the next issue will be available in early May.

Published: 05.05.2015