Zagreb – The cultural destination

The City of Zagreb has won first place in the category Best Cultural Destination as part of the national programme Experience Croatia – Doživi Hrvatsku, which rewards and recognises quality in the field of tourism and is focused on long-term sustainable tourism development.

In October, as part of the project I Love Croatia, which includes the environmental initiatives Plavi cvijet, Zeleni cvijet, EDEN – European Destination of Excellence, Experience Croatia – Doživi Hrvatsku and Man – the Key to Successful Tourism, the committee of the Head Office of the Croatian Tourist Board selected candidates that would be awarded for their contribution to Croatian tourism in 2012.

Aside from this acclaim, the Zagreb Tourist Board also won second place in the I Love Croatia initiative: Zeleni cvijet in the category for Best Individual Element for its tourist information centre at the main train station in Zagreb.
The awards will be handed out at the leading conference of tourism professionals Days of Croatian Tourism on October 18th and 19th in Dubrovnik.

Aside from the above-mentioned acclaim at home, alongside Trieste, Luxemburg and Nantes, Zagreb was also commended by Britain's Sunday Times in an article entitled “Europe's Secret Cities”. The Croatian capital was highlighted as a city with character, which has retained the homely atmosphere of going out to drink coffee in the morning. On one page journalist Gary Cansell cites a list of recommended sites and activities - a visit to the main gathering spots in Zagreb, the Zagreb market Dolac, the Upper Town, the Mimara Museum, the Museum of Broken Relationships and the Museum of Modern Art. He also stresses that Zagreb “goes to bed late” and mentions Tkalčićeva Street and its numerous cafes as the best place to experience Zagreb’s lively nightlife.

The Zagreb Tourist Board is extremely proud of these achievements and success as it proves that not only visitors, but also those in the field of tourism have recognised Zagreb's attributes. It values the awards as a special acknowledgment of the professional effort invested in promoting Zagreb as a tourist, cultural and conference destination.

Published: 01.10.2012