Upper Town in the Past


April 23rd - November 1st 2016

Upper town

23.4 - 2.10. 
Saturday and Sunday 5pm - 8pm

Do you feel like you have travelled in a time machine to the past? You are mistaken! Here, in the streets of the Upper Town, right beside you, the main characters from stories written long time ago are still passing by: characters from legends, but also real people. All those ordinary and great men and women who have marked Zagreb’s history and whose works today live even stronger than yesterday... In the streets of the Upper Town, you will meet MARIJA JURIĆ ZAGORKA, the first Croatian female journalist, committed feminist and writer, and ANTUN GUSTAV MATOŠ,



Croatian poet, short story author, feuilletonist, essayist and travel writer. NEWSBOY will tell you about local rumours just like he used to do, and POSTMAN will surprise you with his postal horn. DORA and PAVLE, Zagreb’s Romeo and Juliet will share their unfortunate love story with you, and LJUDEVIT GAJ and SIDONIJA RUBIDO ERDÖDY will tell you about the Illyrian movement in Croatia. KNIGHTS of the Silver Dragon will present their skills just like in the ancient Dark Ages, while the CITY GUARD will protect you. Come and meet them!


Ban Josip Jelačić Square

23.4. - 1.10.
Saturday 10am - 1pm

At the place of today´s main square in Zagreb, a thirsty viceroy spotted a beautiful girl with a jug at the water spring and cried out: Manda, dear, scoop me up some water! The spring was named Manduševac, and the town - Zagreb. (eng. to scoop=croat. zagrabiti). If you do not belive the legend, ask Manda.


Promenade Concerts

Zrinjevac Park

23. 4. - 1. 10.
Saturday 11am - 1pm

Do you dance? Do you ever, even for a moment, wish to go back to the past? Our time machine will take you to the world of music and customs of times long gone, where tradition is built into space, sounds and people. Only a few minute walk from the central Ban Josip Jelačić Square takes you to Zrinjevac,



a park full of fl owers, green area and tradition. In the Music Pavilion which has been standing there ever since 1891 you can enjoy waltzes and marches, musical numbers from operettas, Italian canzonas, jazz or evergreen... 


Wind Orchestra of Zagreb Electric Tram

24. 4., 22. 5., 19. i 26. 6., 3., 10. i 17. 7., 21. i 28. 8., 18. i 25. 9., 2. 10.
Sunday 11am - 12pm

If a tram is that old, but never outdated symbol of a city, its heart and circulation, the city orchestra is its soul. The legendary Wind Orchestra of Zagreb Electric Tram will perform waltzes, marches, evergreens and patriotic songs for you on Sundays in the Music Pavilion of the Zrinjevac Park. Take a walk in Zrinjevac on Sunday morning and hear them play!



Maksimir Park, Small Stage

24.4. - 2.10.
Sunday 10.30am - 12.30pm

Maksimir Park or Maksimilian’s peace (eng. Maksimilian’s peace = croat. Maksimilianov mir) was originally called after its founder, Maksimilian von Vrhovec, the Zagreb bishop. It offi cially opened for public in 1794. At that time, it was one of the most important landscape achievements in Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the fi rst public park in southeastern Europe. Due to its exceptional value, Maksimir Park is protected as a cultural and landscape monument and is still a favorite gathering place for Zagreb citizens and visitors.



Dance Evenings - Zrinjevac

Zrinjevac Park




11.09. DJ

18.09. STEVE MORGAN BAND - tribute to Elvis Presley

25.09. WHITE BOX


Folklore Performances

Kaptol, Ban Josip Jelačić Square, Tkalčićeva Street, Dolac Market

23. 4. -  2. 10.
Saturruday 10am - 12pm, Sunday 11am - 1pm

What makes Zagreb beautiful is not only the city itself, but also its surroundings, green ring around the city and people who jealously cherish songs, music, customs and lovely folk costumes. Those guardians of tradition gather in folklore societies, some of them founded more than a century ago. Sing along, feel Zagreb’s past and join them in guarding the tradition which, as time goes by, proves itself as an imperishable value.


Kumice s Dolca

Dolac Market

23. 4. - 29. 10.
Friday and Saturday 8am - 1pm

Today, Dolac Market is the biggest, most popular and most important market in Zagreb. The new market was offi cially opened in 1930. when the small houses of Dolac, as well as the old city walls, were pulled down. At that time, Dolac was one of the biggest and most beautiful markets in this part of Europe. Nowadays, on top of the left stairway leading to Dolac, a statue of a woman proudly stands. It is the statue of the so-called “kumica” - a peasant woman with woven basket on her head - to commemorate thousands and thousands of women who came to the city every day, with baskets full of products from their gardens and farms, fresh fruit, vegetables, fl owers … They came from Prigorje in Zagreb’s surroundings: Markuševec, Šestine, Gračani, Čučerje, Remete and Vrapče. Very often they would make the long journey on foot, with a heavy load on their heads. In order to keep the memory of “kumica” - the hardworking guardian of the old spirit of Zagreb - alive not only as a statue, women dressed in Prigorje folk costume will once again come to Dolac from April to October to revive the memory of thousands of women who fed Zagreb throughout the centuries.


Upper Town Musical Panorama

Upper Town: St.Catherine’s Square, Strossmayer Promenade, St. Mark’s Square

23. 4. - 2. 10.
Saturday and Sunday 10am - 12pm

From one street to another, from one doorway to another... the streets of the Upper Town used to echo with ballads or love songs centuries and decades ago. Occasionally, a coin would fly into a shabby hat, most often when nostalgic lyrics touched the heart and soul... you could always sing and romantic sounds always fi lled the streets of the Upper Town. Street musicians - Zagrebački Cinkuši and Potepuhi Quartet will take you back to those times.


Tkalčijana - the Street of Music and Fun

Corner of Tkalčićeva and Krvavi Most, in front of street number 44, 50 and 53

Long time ago, Medvešćak brook used to fl ow through one of Zagreb’s most beautiful streets, today popularly called Tkalča. In those days, the street echoed with the song of washerwomen, who used to wash clothes in the brook, and the screaming of children who played by the brook. At the end of the 19th century, the brook was turned into a street. The liveliness of Tkalča was present in little craftsman shops and public houses. Nowadays, in the pleasant setting of old houses, cafés and restaurants, this street with a relaxed atmosphere and rich culinary scene becomes the centre of music and entertainment during the summer. Until the begining of October, Tkalča will be filled with the sounds of evergreens, chansons, ballads, jazz and classical music played by street performers and entertainers of all kinds. Take a walk and feel the rhythm of Tkalča!


Changing of the guard Guard of Honour of the Cravat Regiment

23.4. - 2.10.
Every Saturday and Sunday as well as on national holidays and special occasions.

In the 17th century, during the Thirty Years' War, the Croatian Light Cavalry, renowned for its exceptional heroism, joined the ranks of the French Army. The military skill and the original appearance of the Croatian soldiers was affirmed in 1664. with the founding of the Croatian regiment the Royal Cravates within the French Army. You can see for yourself what the Changing of the Guards of the courageous Croatian soldiers looks like during a two-hour ceremony. The entire unit takes part in the ceremony, following which the guards are stationed at their posts, all attractive tourist locations, from St Mark’s Square, via Ban Jelačić square to the statue of Our Lady at Kaptol.



Seventeen to forty soldiers (infantry and cavalry) take part in the ceremony.

Formation of infantry rank
11:40 - 11:45

Formation and departure of the infantry rank from Dolac market to Tkalčićeva and to Kamenita vrata (Stone Gate). Route: Tkalčićeva - Krvavi most - Radićeva - Kamenita vrata
11:45 - 11:50
Arrival at Kamenita vrata
11:45 - 11:50
Parade of the cavalry rank from Dubravkin put, along the route: Dubravkin put - Ilirski Square - Demetrova - St Mark’s Square - Kamenita - Kamenita vrata
11:50 - 11:55
Prayer at Kamenita vrata, departure and THE MERGING OF THE INFANTRY AND CAVALRY RANKS
11:55 - 12:00
Arrival of the ranks at St Mark’s Square, formation of the ranks into one column and dismissal of the ranks for the weapon inspection ceremony
12:00 - 12:10
Weapon inspection and posting of the guards at the side entrance into St Mark’s Church

12:10 - 12:15
Departure of the ranks to Kamenita vrata
12:15 - 12:25
March of the ranks along Radićeva to Ban Jelačić Square


12:25 - 12:30
Posting of two guards at the statue of Ban Jelačić
12:30 - 12:35
March of the ranks along Bakačeva to the Cathedral at Kaptol
12:35 - 12:40
Posting of a pair of guards at the statue of Our Lady at Kaptol
12:40 - 13:00
March of the infantry ranks along the route: Kaptol - Dolac - Opatovina - Bishop Duh Steps - Mlinske stube - Radićeva - eastern entrance to Kamenita vrata
12:40 - 13:00
Parade of the cavalry rank along the route: Kaptol - Nova Ves - Mala ulica - Tkalčićeva - Krvavi most - Radićeva - eastern entrance to Kamenita vrata
13:00 -13:05
Passing of the ranks through Kamenita vrata to St Mark’s Square
13:05 - 13:10
Formation and return of the guards to the ranks
13:10 - 13:15
Departure of the ranks to the eastern entrance to Kamenita vrata
13:15 - 13:25
March of the ranks: Radićeva - Krvavi most - Tkalčićeva to Bishop Duh Steps


13:25 - 13:35
Departure of the infantry rank along the route: Bishop Duh Steps - Opatovina - Dolac - Kaptol - the Cathedral
13:25 - 13:35
Departure of the cavalry rank along the route: Tkalčićeva - Mikloušićeva - Kaptol - the Cathedral
13:35 - 13:40
Handing over of the guard and their return to the ranks in front of the Cathedral
13:40 - 13:45
March of the entire rank along Bakačeva to Ban Jelačić Square
13:45 - 13:50
Handing over of the guards and return to the ranks at the statue of Ban Jelačić
13:50 - 13:55
March of the ranks from the statue of Ban Jelačić to Tkalčićeva - St Mary’s Church
13:55 - 14:00
Formation of the ranks and salute to the flag.
Infantry rank departing to the Dolac market
14:00 - 14:20
Cavalry rank departing along the route: Tkalčićeva - Krvavi most - Radićeva - Ilirski Square - Dubravkin put


 PLEASE NOTE: In case of bad weather programs will be cancelled.