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    Robert Wilson's Video Portraits

    Video portraits of assorted American movie stars and artists, such as Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Ditta Von Teese and many other famous attention grabbers, will certainly motivate many to come to the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery where a multimedia exhibition by Robert Wilson will take place between 8th October and 11th November under the title – HD Video Portraits.

  • 03

    The most fun sources of drinking water in the world!

    This is as original as it gets! Zagreb is the only city in the world in which the city’s old street water pumps have had a total makeover. They now boast colourful appearances, mostly depicting motifs from Zagreb, while they continue to serve not only as sources of drinking water but as veritable alfresco art exhibits. When in Zagreb try to find at least one, or better still, find them all with the help of a mobile phone application, and then pick your most fun public source of drinking water!

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    The Dubliners Come Back to Zagreb!

    The Dubliners, one of the best known Irish folk bands which has spread the glory of Irish folk music at the international level, have promised to come back to Zagreb. On 14th September they will play in the Veliki Pogon Hall of Tvornica Kulture (Culture Factory).

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    Credo Musical – A Big Religious Spectacle

    Following appearances in numerous European cities, a big religious spectacle, Credo Musical, is due to take place in Zagreb on 13th and 14th October at the Dražen Petrović Basketball Centre. Organized by the Cenacolo community, the musical has a line-up of some hundred performers who will treat the Zagreb audience to a true religious extravaganza.

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    The biggest feline event in 2012!

    The biggest feline gathering in the world, World Cat Show, will take place in Zagreb on 27th and 28th October. According to the organizer, this will be the biggest cat fest this year. The Zagreb Arena, the event’s venue, will be host to over 1,500 cats coming from over 30 countries around the world.

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    A Unique Gift for the 25th Anniversary

    To celebrate its 25th anniversary, the Mimara Museum has decided to give its visitors a treat: exquisite masterpieces from its rich holdings. The exhibition titled “Three Topics from the Mimara Museum Holdings” was opened in mid-July and it will offer visitors a chance to see some delightful works of art until 14th October.

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    A festival of sustainable living

    On 7th and 8th September, Ban Josip Jelačić Square will be the venue of the 5th ZeGeVeGe, Zagreb's Festival of Sustainable Development. Besides looking forward to stands run by numerous local producers of organic vegetables, visitors can also expect a handful of interesting educational events, as well as all day entertainment.

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    GusGus at Aquarius

    Among the string of musical treats which will mark the autumn concert season, GusGus, a very popular electronic band from Iceland, will play at Aquarius Club on 16th October. Last summer the band delighted the audience at the famous Hartera Festival in Rijeka.

  • Les connus sur Zagreb

    Flogging Molly

    Flogging Molly

    Nous profitons ce mardi de Zagreb. On va se diriger bientôt vers le Main stage à Inmusic festival.

    Source: INmusic festival

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg a passé l'automne 2007 à Zagreb. Zagreb est une ville étonnante. J'ai apprécié les visites des vieux quartiers de la ville, et le soir je sortais aux clubs. J'ai été ravi par le fait que cette vile se trouve près de l'Autriche et l'Italie, alors j'allais à Venise, Milan, Ljubljana, Graz, Split pour passer mes week-ends.


    David Byrne

    David Byrne

    À l'exception des collines environnantes, Zagreb est la ville idéale pour une balade à vélo. David Bryne (Talking Heads) à l'occasion de la sortie du livre "Le Journal Cycliste".


    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) a écrit sur Zagreb sur son blog:



    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Zagreb est belle, mais ce qui m'a le plus plu, ce sont ces gens. Tout le monde est sympa et abordable. Meilleurs hôtes vous ne pouviez pas rêver.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb



    Le lieu du festival et la ville de Zagreb dans laquelle nous avons passé une matinée agréable sont magnifiques.

    Source: INmusic festival

    Snoop Dog

    Snoop Dog

    Tout est formidable ici. Les femmes sont belles, le service est de première classe. Que puis-je demander à la ville?

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Je me souviens du concert au festival "INmusic". Nous ne pouvons pas attendre de revoir nos fans. Je pense que ce sera très touchant.


    Tommy Emmanuel

    Tommy Emmanuel

    J'ai aimé beaucoup la salle de concert "Lisinski". C'était un sentiment très puissant parce que les gens sont venus et ils ont écouté et senti la musique dans le cœur. "Lisinski" est une belle salle  et je suis très honoré d'avoir l'opportunité d'y performer. Mon premier concert à "Lisinski" m'est resté en très bon souvenir.


    Melanie Fiona

    Melanie Fiona

    Je suis désolée de n'avoir pas eu l'occasion de rester plus longtemps et de voir un peu plus, mais le lac Jarun et ses clubs m'ont impressionné. Il a tous les éléments pour y passer un bon moment.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb