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    Spectacle in Tvornica Kulture

    The musical group, Gotan Project, will perform a multimedia concert on December 8th in Tvornica Kulture. This is part of their exclusive European tour that includes a total of 13 cities.

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    Twenty years of playing music on the street

    By building an image of serious street musicians who live with their music and city every day, the Kraljevi Ulice won the hearts of their fellow citizens long ago. Throughout their 20 year-long careers playing on the streets, they have successfully saved from oblivion the many forgotten songs of old Zagreb and evergreens composed a long time ago.

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    Traditional food with a modern twist

    Famous for their kremšnita /custard cake/ and expertise in preparing different delicious tidbits, the restaurateurs of Samobor have many surprises in store for their guests during the carnival season when their usual offers will include the traditional food with a modern twist.

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    Restoration of the second largest organ

    The organ in Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, the second largest in Croatia after the one in the Zagreb Cathedral, has been restored to its original glory. Famous Croatian musicians will perform on it during the Organ Maestro concert in January.

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    Shop until you drop in Zagreb

    Aside from different events and attractions that are offered in Zagreb as a tourist destination, now it is also the right choice for shopaholics, who will find a handful of reasons to shop during the month of gift giving.

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    Interest in Zagreb and Croatia Grows

    Members of the Management Board of the Japanese Association of Travel Agents are scheduled to visit Croatia between 5th and 12th November. They will hold their meeting in Zagreb, and besides the Croatian capital, they will also visit Plitvice, Opatija, Split and Dubrovnik.

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    The Largest Scholarship Fair in Croatia

    Just as previous years, this year's scholarship fair in Croatia drew a great number of visitors. For the next six months, they will be able to find out all the relevant information regarding scholarships granted by Croatian and foreign institutions in one place on-line.

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    A Retrospective Exhibition by Dušan Džamonja

    Until November 16, 2008, visitors to the Museum for Arts and Crafts will have the opportunity to view a retrospective exhibition of the main works by sculptor Dušan Džamonja, the modern avant-garde sculptor who has decided to donate his works to the city in which he studied, lived and worked, Zagreb.

  • Les connus sur Zagreb

    Melanie Fiona

    Melanie Fiona

    Je suis désolée de n'avoir pas eu l'occasion de rester plus longtemps et de voir un peu plus, mais le lac Jarun et ses clubs m'ont impressionné. Il a tous les éléments pour y passer un bon moment.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Merci pour l'une des meilleures expériences de l'hôtel jamais. Les chambres étaient belles, le personnel excellent. Chaque instant était magnifique. Et Zagreb ... magique! Bonne chance!

    Source: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel

    Tommy Emmanuel

    Tommy Emmanuel

    J'ai aimé beaucoup la salle de concert "Lisinski". C'était un sentiment très puissant parce que les gens sont venus et ils ont écouté et senti la musique dans le cœur. "Lisinski" est une belle salle  et je suis très honoré d'avoir l'opportunité d'y performer. Mon premier concert à "Lisinski" m'est resté en très bon souvenir.


    Chris Urbanowicz

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Je me souviens du concert au festival "INmusic". Nous ne pouvons pas attendre de revoir nos fans. Je pense que ce sera très touchant.


    Eric Sardinas

    Eric Sardinas

    J'ai hâte de Zagreb parce que c'est une destination où je me sens bien et il a passé beaucoup de temps depuis ma dernière visite, même si c'était un peu plus d'un an.


    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) a écrit sur Zagreb sur son blog:





    Nous sommes très enthousiastes au sujet de notre premier concert en Croatie et très heureux d'avoir eu le temps de découvrir la magnifique ville de Zagreb.

    Source: INmusic festival



    J'étais très impatient de venir à Zagreb, d'autant plus que ma mère a voyagé avec moi. On a tous exploré afin de voir les choses principales de la ville.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    David Byrne

    David Byrne

    À l'exception des collines environnantes, Zagreb est la ville idéale pour une balade à vélo. David Bryne (Talking Heads) à l'occasion de la sortie du livre "Le Journal Cycliste".


    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Zagreb est belle, mais ce qui m'a le plus plu, ce sont ces gens. Tout le monde est sympa et abordable. Meilleurs hôtes vous ne pouviez pas rêver.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb