
  • 08

    Story About a Homeless Man and His Dog

    At the Travno Stage of the Zagreb Puppet Theater the performance of Timbuktu will be showing from the beginning of October. This is a touching story about the relationship between two homeless creatures, a man and his dog. If you happen to come to the performance alone, it doesn't mean you will leave alone. At this show you have the chance to get two things – artistic enjoyment and man's best friend.

  • 08

    Hotel Offer Becomes Richer

    A more intensive business and tourist life in Zagreb is the reason for the growth in the number of hotels, and it has recently been announced that two new hotels will be built. The already rich and varied accommodation offer is thus being further enhanced so that every guest can be absolutely sure that they will find accommodation in town that fits their needs.

  • 08

    Wine Offer Crowned with World Gold

    While staying in Zagreb you have the ideal opportunity to visit Croatian Zagorje. Some of its many attractions are some that are “liquid” – excellent wines whose quality has been recently confirmed by two world gold medals. This is a good reason to visit the wine cellars and the village houses where local specialties are always followed with excellent wine.

  • 08

    The Shortest Cable Car in the World

    The 66 meter long funicular in Zagreb is the shortest cable car in the world, which the citizens of Zagreb have been using since 1890 to go between the Upper and Lower Towns. Today it is a protected cultural monument and one of the most interesting attractions for many tourists.

  • 08

    Tidiest Town in Zagreb County

    Besides being the winner of this year's action “I Love Croatia – Green Flower 2008” for the tidiest town in Zagreb County, Samobor was also the winner of the award for the best souvenir in the county, the “Samobor Kiss”, which are handmade chocolate pralines made with the famous Samobor Bermet liqueur.

  • 08

    Popular Club Marks 10th Anniversary

    The Tvornica Culture /Culture Factory/ club has begun its new season with a string of interesting musical events, which will also mark the 10th anniversary of this popular club.

  • 08

    5th Exhibition of Croatian Design

    The great exhibition of Croatian design, which will be organized at Zagreb Fair from October 6th to 23rd, will feature a large number of works that will present a cross-section of domestic designers' productions over the last two years.

  • 01

    Hello, Zagreb!

    The Zagreb Tourist Board is the first in Croatia to offer a free telephone line to tourists. Updated tourist information may be received by dialing 0800-53-53. At the same time, the Tourist Board’s internet pages, which are published in as many as 13 different languages, have undergone a major overhaul and now offer more user friendly access to information.

  • Les connus sur Zagreb

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) a écrit sur Zagreb sur son blog:





    Nous sommes très enthousiastes au sujet de notre premier concert en Croatie et très heureux d'avoir eu le temps de découvrir la magnifique ville de Zagreb.

    Source: INmusic festival

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg a passé l'automne 2007 à Zagreb. Zagreb est une ville étonnante. J'ai apprécié les visites des vieux quartiers de la ville, et le soir je sortais aux clubs. J'ai été ravi par le fait que cette vile se trouve près de l'Autriche et l'Italie, alors j'allais à Venise, Milan, Ljubljana, Graz, Split pour passer mes week-ends.


    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Zagreb est belle, mais ce qui m'a le plus plu, ce sont ces gens. Tout le monde est sympa et abordable. Meilleurs hôtes vous ne pouviez pas rêver.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    On est pour la première fois à Zagreb. On se sent très bien ici. Nous n’aurons pas le temps de visiter la côte, mais nous allons nous reposer et nous balader dans les rues...

    Source: INmusic festival



    J'étais très impatient de venir à Zagreb, d'autant plus que ma mère a voyagé avec moi. On a tous exploré afin de voir les choses principales de la ville.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Merci pour l'une des meilleures expériences de l'hôtel jamais. Les chambres étaient belles, le personnel excellent. Chaque instant était magnifique. Et Zagreb ... magique! Bonne chance!

    Source: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel



    Le lieu du festival et la ville de Zagreb dans laquelle nous avons passé une matinée agréable sont magnifiques.

    Source: INmusic festival

    Melanie Fiona

    Melanie Fiona

    Je suis désolée de n'avoir pas eu l'occasion de rester plus longtemps et de voir un peu plus, mais le lac Jarun et ses clubs m'ont impressionné. Il a tous les éléments pour y passer un bon moment.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Je me souviens du concert au festival "INmusic". Nous ne pouvons pas attendre de revoir nos fans. Je pense que ce sera très touchant.
