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    A great place to enjoy smart food

    After a year of working on its concept, Zagreb’s Bon Appetit restaurant has recently become the only restaurant in the city which offers so-called smart food menus. These are specialties from the domain of functional food that are necessary for a healthy metabolism and a fast-paced lifestyle. The concept was devised in cooperation with specialists from the fields of gastronomy and biochemistry.

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    The Red Bull Flying Bach World Tour

    The Red Bull Flying Bach World Tour, a sensational dance and music show featuring a seemingly mismatched combination of classical music and break-dance, is finally in Zagreb! On the 5th and 6th of May, at Zagreb’s Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, break dancing legends from the Flying Steps dance crew will amaze audiences with their stunts performed to the music of Bach’s Fuga.

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    After the calm comes a real electro “storm”

    After a five-year hiatus, fans of electronic music and renowned Croatian DJs will once again have the opportunity to enjoy the good old Future Sound of Zagreb, the most prestigious and best attended two-day club festival in Zagreb. It will take place on the 4th and 5th of May at the Boogaloo Club and feature more than 20 DJs.

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    The wildest Triathlon – surfing race

    Did you know that Zagreb is the host of a wild, unique and always full of surprises Triathlon – surfing urban race which will take place on May 5th in various city locations under the name SUPer Surfers Challenge Zagreb 2012. Be prepared not to be surprised that day when you see somewhat unusual groups of people engaged in even more unusual activities.

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    “Abstraction: Modern and Contemporary”

    As of mid-April until June 24th, the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery will feature an exhibition of representative works by seven of Croatia’s most important abstract painters of the 1950s and the first half of the 1960s, titled “Abstraction: Modern and Contemporary”.

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    L' amour du risqué / Love of Risk

    Until June 17th, Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art will feature the unique event of the season – a large international exhibition, “L' amour du risqué”, in which numerous international artists will present their expressions of risk as an art form, and offer visitors an array of provocative, subversive, and sometimes completely bizarre works of art.

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    Best of the Jugendstil

    Until July 20th, Zagreb’s Marton Museum, the first private museum in Croatia, which features a collection of items of applied arts originating mostly from 18th and 19th century Europe, will also be presenting masterpieces of European applied arts from the Jugendstil period.

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    Barbie & Lego

    For girls and boys, or women and men, the largest European exhibition of Barbie dolls and Legos is coming to Zagreb. If these interest you, do not miss visiting Zagreb’s Hypo Centre between the 15th and 21st of May, and enjoy the magical world of childhood through two of the most popular toys.

  • Celebrità di Zagabria

    Flogging Molly

    Flogging Molly

    Questo martedì godiamo a Zagabria. Presto andiamo verso il palco principale per partecipare al festival INmusic.

    Fonte: INmusic festival

    Snoop Dog

    Snoop Dog

    Mi piace tutto, le ragazze sono bellissime, il servizio ottimo. Non posso chiedere più di questa città.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Tommy Emmanuel

    Tommy Emmanuel

    Mi è piaciuta tantissimo la sala da concerto "Lisinski". È stato stupendo esibirsi a "Lisinski" perché la gente ascoltava con attenzione e sentiva la musica. Si tratta di una sala veramente bella e sono stato onorato di poter esibirmi lì. Mi è rimasto un bellissimo ricordo del mio primo concerto a "Lisinski".


    The Fratellis (Jon)

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    Grazie a tutti coloro che sono venuti a trovarci a InMusic! La vostra città ci piace tantissimo e speriamo di rivedervi.

    Fonte: INmusic festival

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Zagabria è bellissima. Quello che mi è piaciuto di più è la gente. Tutti sono molto gentili e amichevoli. Non potevo augurarmi un ospitalità migliore. 

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb



    Ero felicissimo di visitare Zagabria, soprattutto perché venivo con mia madre. Il mio staff si è informato bene per farci vedere le cose principali della città!

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Ricordo l'esibizione durante l'Inmusic festival. Non vedo l'ora di rivedere i miei fans. Credo che sarà molto emozionante.


    Juliette Gréco

    Juliette Gréco

    Ho un bel ricordo di Zagabria - è una bellissima città con  gente stupenda e amichevole. Anche il pubblico è stato stupendo. Il ricordo di quel concerto è davvero un souvenir bellissimo.


    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) ha parlato di Zagabria sul suo blog:



    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Grazie per una delle migliori esperienze dell'ospitalità alberghiera. Le camere erano bellissime, il personale stupendo, ogni momento era perfetto. E Zagabria... Magica! Perfetta!

    Source: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel