
  • 01

    “Zagreb & Belgrade Gay Guide 2012”

    The “Zagreb & Belgrade Gay Guide 2012” application for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad now follows the printed version of the Zagreb Gay Guide and provides information on gay friendly places in town, as well as useful advice and tips on how to have fun in Zagreb.

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    “The World of Comics” for all 9th art lovers

    Two years after the opening of the first World of Comics café bar in the eastern part of the city, with a rather large reading room full of comics and another even larger room for all 9th art lovers, the World of Comics library and gallery has recently opened in the heart of the city and thus put Zagreb on the map of the rare capitals worldwide with such a specific offer.

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    An exhibition featuring Zagreb’s old cemeteries

    Judging by the great popularity of one of the most beautiful cemeteries in Europe, Zagreb’s Mirogoj, the theme of cemeteries, although admittedly off-putting for some, is actually very attractive. This is proven by the large number of those who have visited the exhibition “Mors porta vitae / Death – the Gate of Life” which can still be seen at the Zagreb City Museum until the end of the month.

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    An overview of the most important European documentaries

    Over 150 titles, eight festival days, seven different categories, recipients of one Oscar and several awards from influential international festivals, impressive retrospectives and a number of other documentary surprises are the best selling points which are bound to attract large audiences to the 8th ZagrebDox, the biggest international documentary film festival in the region which will be held between 26th February and 4th March.

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    An easy search of Croatian tourist attractions

    As of recently, Nokia Smart phone users can search numerous tourist attractions in Zagreb and Croatia on their telephone screens by downloading the Nokia map applications. This will make the lives of drivers and pedestrians much easier since the application targets the two different groups separately.

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    The first wine cellar with the Croatian Autochthonous Cuisine Certificate

    Dvori Matanovi is the first wine cellar in Croatia that bears the Croatian Autochthonous Cuisine certificate. 80 per cent of the dishes on its menu are traditional specialties prepared according to the old and well tested recipes of fishermen and seafarers from Primošten.

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    Experience Romance!

    The first edition of the programme which has been prepared by the Zagreb Tourist Board to celebrate Valentine's Day will certainly attract droves of visitors to Zrinjevac. Even those who are no longer head over heels will certainly feel like falling in love all over again as so much romance has never been seen in one place in Zagreb!

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    Croatian Apoxyomenos at the Mimara Museum

    The temporary exhibition of the Croatian Apoxyomenos at the Mimara Museum in Zagreb is a follow-up to previous succesfull exhibitions iz Zagreb, Florence (Italy), Osijek, Rijeka, Split, Zadar and Ljubljana (Slovenia), before it is permanently placed in its own future museum in Mali Lošinj.

  • Celebrità di Zagabria

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) ha parlato di Zagabria sul suo blog:





    Ero felicissimo di visitare Zagabria, soprattutto perché venivo con mia madre. Il mio staff si è informato bene per farci vedere le cose principali della città!

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    Grazie a tutti coloro che sono venuti a trovarci a InMusic! La vostra città ci piace tantissimo e speriamo di rivedervi.

    Fonte: INmusic festival

    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    Questa è la nostra prima volta a Zagabria. Ci piace tanto. Non avremo tempo per vedere la costa, ma ci rilasseremo e andremo in giro...

    Fonte: INmusic festival



    Il band PIXIES vi ringrazia di cuore per ancora una bellissima giornata a Zagabria! Grande Festival e il pubblico meraviglioso (si prega meno pioggia per la seconda volta !!), Arrivederci.

    Fonte: INmusic festival

    Eric Sardinas

    Eric Sardinas

    Sono sempre felice di viaggiare a Zagabria dove mi sento benissimo ed mi pare che sia passato troppo tempo dalla mia ultima visita, anche se si tratta di un po' di più di un'anno.


    Chris Urbanowicz

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Ricordo l'esibizione durante l'Inmusic festival. Non vedo l'ora di rivedere i miei fans. Credo che sarà molto emozionante.


    Snoop Dog

    Snoop Dog

    Mi piace tutto, le ragazze sono bellissime, il servizio ottimo. Non posso chiedere più di questa città.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb



    Siamo entusiasti per il primo concerto in Croazia e felicissimi che abbiamo avuto il tempo di visitare la bella città di Zagabria.

    Fonte: INmusic festival

    Tommy Emmanuel

    Tommy Emmanuel

    Mi è piaciuta tantissimo la sala da concerto "Lisinski". È stato stupendo esibirsi a "Lisinski" perché la gente ascoltava con attenzione e sentiva la musica. Si tratta di una sala veramente bella e sono stato onorato di poter esibirmi lì. Mi è rimasto un bellissimo ricordo del mio primo concerto a "Lisinski".
