
  • 01

    Americans and Japanese Push Upwards

    A majority of Zagreb’s guests arrive from Germany, but according to statistical data, during the first seven months of this year, the highest numbers of recorded guests were from the United States of America and Japan.

  • 01

    Students of Zagreb's Grammar School Win Four Olympic Medals

    Zagreb has Olympians! Students of one of Zagreb's grammar school are on a roll. They recorded new successes at the most prestigious international competition in informatics for high school students under the age of 19. While the much more popular Olympic Games were taking place in Beijing, the 20th International Olympiad in Informatics was taking place in Egypt. Croatian grammar school students returned from it with as many as four medals under their belts.

  • 01

    An Impressive Program – Pleasure Guaranteed

    A new theatre season has started with a handful of good shows on the programs of Zagreb’s theaters. The Croatian National Theater has announced no less than 10 world premieres and the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall will not disappoint either as it promises to bring prominent international musicians and orchestras as guests at their traditional concert cycles.

  • 01

    84th Zagreb International Autumn Fair

    The 84th Zagreb International Fair will take place between the 16th and 21st of September. Products and services will be showcased at a number of specialized exhibitions organized during the biggest fair event in south-east Europe.

  • 01

    The Season Starts!

    Zagreb’s night life gains momentum in September. Unlike museums, galleries and cinema theatres whose audiences do not dwindle during the summer months, most clubs and theaters reopen their doors when it becomes a little cooler – which means right now! Attractive events vie for visitors…

  • 01

    The first exhibition of medieval tombstones

    On 4 September, the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery will open its doors to visitors of the heaviest exhibition ever. The gallery had to rent a 23-ton hauler to transport massive medieval tombstones – stećak, all the way from Dalmatian Zagora to Zagreb's Upper Town in order to prepare the first exhibition of the last resting places of the dead.

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    A Festival Marked by Classical Drama

    Between the 20th and 29th of September, Zagreb will be host to plays from several countries during the Sixth World Theater Festival. The Festival will kick off in a somewhat unorthodox way. Instead of a theater performance, the opening act will be a concert by the well known hip-hop group TBF from Split.

  • 01

    When Puppets Rule the City

    The 41st International Puppet Festival kicked off on the 29th of August and will end on the 5th of September. The festival, organized by the International Center for Providing Services in Culture (MCUK) has gained a strong reputation all over the world. Since its very beginnings, it has been open to all forms of puppetry expression, techniques, genres and topics. In addition to a fairly standard program, this year's PIF features several puppet and animated films.

  • Celebrità di Zagabria

    Melanie Fiona

    Melanie Fiona

    Mi dispiace per non poter rimanere di più ma sono rimasta veramente stupita da Jarun, sia il lago sia tutti i club. C'è tutto il necessario per divertirsi.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    Questa è la nostra prima volta a Zagabria. Ci piace tanto. Non avremo tempo per vedere la costa, ma ci rilasseremo e andremo in giro...

    Fonte: INmusic festival

    Flogging Molly

    Flogging Molly

    Questo martedì godiamo a Zagabria. Presto andiamo verso il palco principale per partecipare al festival INmusic.

    Fonte: INmusic festival

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    Grazie a tutti coloro che sono venuti a trovarci a InMusic! La vostra città ci piace tantissimo e speriamo di rivedervi.

    Fonte: INmusic festival



    Ero felicissimo di visitare Zagabria, soprattutto perché venivo con mia madre. Il mio staff si è informato bene per farci vedere le cose principali della città!

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Snoop Dog

    Snoop Dog

    Mi piace tutto, le ragazze sono bellissime, il servizio ottimo. Non posso chiedere più di questa città.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Baka DJ, Ruth Flowers

    Zagabria è bellissima. Quello che mi è piaciuto di più è la gente. Tutti sono molto gentili e amichevoli. Non potevo augurarmi un ospitalità migliore. 

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg ha trascorso l'autunno del 2007 a Zagabria. Zagabria è una città stupenda. Mi sono divertito visitando la vecchia parte della città ed uscendo di sera nei diversi club. Mi è piaciuto anche il fatto che la città è vicina all'Austria ed Italia. Ho trascorso i miei weekend a Venezia, Milano, Lubiana, Graz, Spalato...


    Tommy Emmanuel

    Tommy Emmanuel

    Mi è piaciuta tantissimo la sala da concerto "Lisinski". È stato stupendo esibirsi a "Lisinski" perché la gente ascoltava con attenzione e sentiva la musica. Si tratta di una sala veramente bella e sono stato onorato di poter esibirmi lì. Mi è rimasto un bellissimo ricordo del mio primo concerto a "Lisinski".


    Chris Urbanowicz

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Ricordo l'esibizione durante l'Inmusic festival. Non vedo l'ora di rivedere i miei fans. Credo che sarà molto emozionante.
