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    The first music-specific bookstore and reading room in Croatia

    An attractive music-specific bookstore and reading room, Rockmark, was opened in mid-February in the city centre, on Berislavićeva Street. It is the first such bookstore in Croatia, where visitors can read musicians’ biographies, enjoy socializing with people of similar music interests, exchange ideas, and be informed about the latest news from the world of music.

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    The Revue of Amateur Film

    Have you had enough of high budget films with expensive special effects and a clichéd, formulaic Hollywood plot? Once again, Zagreb will offer something different – the 9th Revue of Amateur Film, the popular RAF, which will take place between the 21st and the 27th of March, featuring more than 200 films.

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    Teachers in Croatia 1849-2009

    In order to mark several anniversaries significant to the national education system, the Croatian School Museum will feature a large exhibition, “Teachers in Croatia 1849-2009”. Open until the end of March, it will offer a comprehensive insight into the development of the teaching profession in Croatia.

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    The Latest Works by Boris Bućan

    Between March 16th and April 30th the Klovićevi Dvori gallery will feature an exhibition of the latest works by renowned Croatian painter and designer, Boris Bućan. The exhibition entitled “Woman on the Moon” will consist of some one hundred works of oil as well as acrylic on canvas.

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    “Split Aquarelle” once again in Zagreb!

    With the backing of the in-house choir and orchestra, actors from the Croatian National Theatre of Split will perform one of the best known Croatian operettas on February 13th at the Dražen Petrović Basketball Centre. After 19 years, the Zagreb audience will once again have the opportunity to enjoy famous arias of the “Split Aquarelle”, one of the most recognizable symbols of the city of Split.

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    The Samobor Carnival

    Everyone is invited to the Free Carnival State, one of the oldest and largest carnival festivities in Croatia, where masks will rule until February 16th

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    An Exhibition of Chinese Art

    Until mid-February, the Gliptoteka HAZU will be the venue for the great travelling exhibition of Chinese Art, “Ink-Not-Ink”, which can now be viewed in Zagreb, after touring America and some European countries. It contains works by modern painters who use the ink technique, which has been dominant in Chinese art for centuries.

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    Zagreb Awaits Metallica

    As part of their “World Magnetic Tour 2010”, one of the most popular heavy-metal bands of all time, Metallica, will hold a concert on May 16th at the Zagreb Hippodrome. Apart from performing their known hits for their numerous fans, Metallica will also be promoting songs from their latest studio album, “Death Magnetic”.

  • Celebrità di Zagabria

    Flogging Molly

    Flogging Molly

    Questo martedì godiamo a Zagabria. Presto andiamo verso il palco principale per partecipare al festival INmusic.

    Fonte: INmusic festival



    Siamo entusiasti per il primo concerto in Croazia e felicissimi che abbiamo avuto il tempo di visitare la bella città di Zagabria.

    Fonte: INmusic festival



    Il band PIXIES vi ringrazia di cuore per ancora una bellissima giornata a Zagabria! Grande Festival e il pubblico meraviglioso (si prega meno pioggia per la seconda volta !!), Arrivederci.

    Fonte: INmusic festival

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    Grazie a tutti coloro che sono venuti a trovarci a InMusic! La vostra città ci piace tantissimo e speriamo di rivedervi.

    Fonte: INmusic festival

    Melanie Fiona

    Melanie Fiona

    Mi dispiace per non poter rimanere di più ma sono rimasta veramente stupita da Jarun, sia il lago sia tutti i club. C'è tutto il necessario per divertirsi.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb



    Ero felicissimo di visitare Zagabria, soprattutto perché venivo con mia madre. Il mio staff si è informato bene per farci vedere le cose principali della città!

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb



    Il luogo dove si svolge il festival e la città di Zagabria dove abbiamo trascorso una mattinata molto rilassata sono meravigliosi.

    Fonte: INmusic festival

    David Byrne

    David Byrne

    Zagabria è perfetta per andare in bici, ad eccezione della parte collinare della città. David Bryne (Talking Heads), in occasione della pubblicazione del libro "Diari della bicicletta".


    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) ha parlato di Zagabria sul suo blog:



    Chris Urbanowicz

    Chris Urbanowicz

    Ricordo l'esibizione durante l'Inmusic festival. Non vedo l'ora di rivedere i miei fans. Credo che sarà molto emozionante.
