
  • 03

    Lenny Kravitz in Croatia’s capital

    After an excellent concert in Zadar in 2008, Lenny Kravitz is once again coming to Croatia. This time he will perform at the Zagreb Arena, on November 17th, when he will be promoting his latest studio album as part of his European tour “Black and White Europe”. Zagreb is the only city in the region included in this tour.

  • 03

    A festival of independent theatres and theatre troupes

    Aficionados of theatre can expect yet another appealing event in Zagreb: the 1st Croatian Theatre Festival of independent theatres and theatre troupes. During the festival, visitors will have an opportunity to see 38 plays between the 1st and the 4th of September, and learn much more about theatre itself, including its promotion and upcoming projects in a diverse concurrent programme.

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    A wonderful Wild Summer

    You do not know how to spend a family summer in Zagreb? Easy! Parents can enjoy all that the city has to offer, while their children can attend an informative and unforgettable five-day programme, “Wild Summer”, organized at the Zagreb ZOO each week until early September.

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    A family golf tournament

    Do you and your family enjoy playing golf? If so, you are ideal candidates for a family golf tournament that will take place on August 7th at the Golf & Country Club Zagreb. In case this date does not fit your agenda, choose a date that suits you; the club is open every day and it offers numerous possibilities.

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    Late Antique Necropolis in Zmajevac

    If you are intrigued by the valuable excavations of the late antique necropolis located in the village of Zmajevac in Baranja County, but do not have an opportunity to visit them in person, we suggest you check out Zagreb’s Archaeological Museum. There you can view the large multimedia exhibition dedicated to the aforementioned excavations, which will immerse you in the magical, and often mystical, world of archaeological research.

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    Swimming followed by beach-volleyball

    As a continuation of a traditionally entertaining August at Jarun Lake, early September promises even more. During the first two days of September, the “Sea of Zagreb”, Jarun Lake, will be the venue for several beach-volleyball tournaments. Aside from the major international Jarun Erste Open tournament, which will take place between the 9th and the 11th of September, there will also be five smaller beach-volleyball tournaments. Come swimming and enjoy top-class beach-volleyball!

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    The greatest hits from contemporary theatre production

    The 9th Festival of World Theatre will take place in Zagreb between the 9th and the 27th of September. Some of the highlights include: one of the most radical interpretations of “Othello”; a Warhol-like performance of the play “Dorian Grey”; and “Gardenia” – currently one of the most successful plays from the stages of Paris, London and New York.

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    Summer cinema under the stars

    Each day, beginning at 9 p.m., there are free projections of films under an open sky at the Gradec summer cinema, which attracts citizens of Zagreb and tourists alike. Why not join them?

  • Celebrità di Zagabria

    Melanie Fiona

    Melanie Fiona

    Mi dispiace per non poter rimanere di più ma sono rimasta veramente stupita da Jarun, sia il lago sia tutti i club. C'è tutto il necessario per divertirsi.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg

    Jesse Eisenberg ha trascorso l'autunno del 2007 a Zagabria. Zagabria è una città stupenda. Mi sono divertito visitando la vecchia parte della città ed uscendo di sera nei diversi club. Mi è piaciuto anche il fatto che la città è vicina all'Austria ed Italia. Ho trascorso i miei weekend a Venezia, Milano, Lubiana, Graz, Spalato...


    David Byrne

    David Byrne

    Zagabria è perfetta per andare in bici, ad eccezione della parte collinare della città. David Bryne (Talking Heads), in occasione della pubblicazione del libro "Diari della bicicletta".


    The Fratellis (Jon)

    The Fratellis (Jon)

    Grazie a tutti coloro che sono venuti a trovarci a InMusic! La vostra città ci piace tantissimo e speriamo di rivedervi.

    Fonte: INmusic festival

    Flogging Molly

    Flogging Molly

    Questo martedì godiamo a Zagabria. Presto andiamo verso il palco principale per partecipare al festival INmusic.

    Fonte: INmusic festival

    Eric Sardinas

    Eric Sardinas

    Sono sempre felice di viaggiare a Zagabria dove mi sento benissimo ed mi pare che sia passato troppo tempo dalla mia ultima visita, anche se si tratta di un po' di più di un'anno.


    Snoop Dog

    Snoop Dog

    Mi piace tutto, le ragazze sono bellissime, il servizio ottimo. Non posso chiedere più di questa città.

    Source: Hotel Antunović Zagreb

    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    THE BLACK KEYS (Patrick)

    Questa è la nostra prima volta a Zagabria. Ci piace tanto. Non avremo tempo per vedere la costa, ma ci rilasseremo e andremo in giro...

    Fonte: INmusic festival

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Courtney Thorne Smith

    Grazie per una delle migliori esperienze dell'ospitalità alberghiera. Le camere erano bellissime, il personale stupendo, ogni momento era perfetto. E Zagabria... Magica! Perfetta!

    Source: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos

    Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand) ha parlato di Zagabria sul suo blog:
